Some extra reasons to make love

5:20 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
We are used that sex is for kicks only. Below we will tell you about additional advantages of this jelly.
Sex is a perfect depressions remedy. Besides psychological aspect there is also purely physiological one. During love making endorphin is excreted. Exactly this hormone of happiness provides positive dispose and wonderful mood for the whole day.
Do you often have headaches? (and not only headaches). Anyway, sex is a natural remedy for fighting against pain. Again, thanks to specific hormones ejection, pain sensation reduces. So, in stead of a pill you may use natural analgesic. Sex helps to increase immunity. Blood of sexually active people contains one third more antibodies than the blood of those who make love seldom.
Do you have problems with excessive weight? It is not necessary to torture yourself in gym and starve out. Regular love making will help you trip down and improve muscle tone.
Do you have insomnia? It is no need to take soporifics, because oxytocin hormone is natural tranquilizer and helps you easily fall asleep after love making.
You are not satisfied with the condition of your skin? Sex helps to improve its tone, especially if the matter concerns such problem zones as buttocks, hips and belly. Besides, backbone and posture get strengthened.
Wrinkles on your face? Remember TV ads of famous cosmetic brands? So, sex helps to improve the collagen content in organism which is responsible for the skin elasticity. Also progesterone is produced that will help you to get rid of pimples.
Finally, passionate sex and tender words from the beloved will help you increase self-appraisal and you will love yourself more!
Check out our selection of sex toys for couples!

Another home made masturbator

1:11 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
We continue to discuss how to make sex toy with anything available at home. The Fleshlight is the world's best selling masturbator for men. And here is step-by-step instruction to make your sex toy perfect for sexual fun:
What you will need is corn starch and a cup. Add 100g of starch in a long tubular cup. Add 100g of water and after mixing this slush thoroughly add another 100g of water and mix it again. Put it in a microwave for 1 minute. After the substance solidifies, make a small hole in the middle and then put it again in microwave for another 30 seconds.
Take a stick smaller that one's own size and stick it into the center hole. But don't insert it too deep, about 4/3 only. Place it in the refrigerator to cool for 40 minutes Remove the stick after cooling, and viola - Masturbator is ready to use! The final product should be like rubber, similar to jelly. Enjoy!
Another home made masturbator

8 Kinds of Sex Every Woman Has To Have Before She Settles Down

12:06 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Expert’s advice how women can snag a man is to keep it in your skirt. “You have to test-drive some cars before you know which one you want to buy”, suggests. Especially before you settle down, you have to get around and at least experience these 12 kinds of sex.
1. Sexy Foreigner Sex: You can say his name easyly and your guy will suspect nothing. It can be during your travel or when he will arrive in your city. Anyhow don't dare to miss such chance. After all, it can be unique chance to have direct sex without obligations.
2. “The One” Sex: You thought that it was that man and that best sex. But it is not so. Whether he broke your heart and you ask a question when the same good sex will be. When you meet that “your” guy, you will feel it and you will have unforgettable sex with him. Then you will understand that this guy is better than that first.
3. A Big D: By all means you should see his mythical penis. It is not a secret that all girls want to see her guy’s penis. If you don't make it, you will always ask a question how his penis looks like - big or small. Then you can brag to your friends. And anybody won't forbid you to dream about his manhood. After all now you know how it looks like.
4. Bad Sex: It is better not to have such sex ever, but without having tried bad sex, you won’t find out how good sex is.
5. Booty Hole: Before you settle down, you should know if anal sex is your thing. Check up it with someone who is gentle in bed and with someone you trust. But it is better that he was a guy you have no feelings to. It is necessary in that case if anal sex do not be pleasant to you. If you do not want his penis to be in your anus, use anal vibrating and don’t forget about anal lubes.
6. Two Girls Are Better Than One: You shouldn't have sex with the girl at once. But at least it is necessary to kiss another girl. But it is not necessary to do it for man's attention. Each liaison should be confidential. You should understand your sexual preferences, and the fact you kiss a girl shouldn't say about you are too straight person.
7. Put the Dom in Dominate: Three words: woman on top. You totally dominate this sexual process. You are in control; you do everything and receive all you want. It makes a profit if you use leather & vinyl accessories, swings and slings!
8. Flying Solo: Sisters are doing it for themselves!  There is nothing more empowering and easy than do it by you. Masturbation is important for learning. You should know what you like and how to get all the way home. And it’s extra fun to get pleasure with various vibrators. Thanks to masturbation, you’ll be able to help future partners give you what you want. To reach more satisfaction, use clitoral stimulators, G-Spot toys. Remember, lubes for women help to do it easier.